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Muskoka Lakes

This township contains Muskoka's three big lakes: Lake Muskoka, Lake Rosseau and Lake Joseph. In the late 1800's Joseph Rousseau was part of a trading family and was associated with William Robinson a trader who worked out of Newmarket, he had trading posts near Bracebridge and another on Yoho Island. Mr. Robinson became Hon. William Robinson, member of the House of Assembly and sat for the riding of Simcoe, later becoming Commissioner of Public Works. Mr. Robinson named the three lakes. He named Lake Joseph and Lake Rosseau after his friend Joseph Rousseau. He named Lake Muskoka after the Indigenous peoples who camped at Indian River every year. The Chippewa chief Mesquas Ukee's name was used to create the name Muskoka. Lake Joseph contains the district's deepest water recorded at approximately 93.8 metres.

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